Wednesday 26 June 2013

Anzac Cove, Istanbul - Turkey

The morning started with a dawn service at North Beach near Anzac Cove. Assoc Prof Daniel Reynaud presented a fascinating insight into the Anzac story. After the service we visited a number of grave sites: Beach cemetery, Lone Pine cemetery and memorial and the Turkish cemetery and memorial.

For the people of modern Turkey the Battle of Çanakkale, as they call the Turkish struggle to retain control of the Gallipoli peninsula and the Straits of the Dardanelles, the Çanakkale Boğazi, in 1915, was one of the defining moments in their history. Two powerful European powers, Britain and France, tried to wrest that control from Turkey. They had even promised, if successful in their efforts to defeat Turkey, to give the capital, Constantinople, and the Straits of the Bosphorus to the Russian Empire. The failure of the British and French campaign, and the many stories of the resistance of the Turks, is remembered and honoured by dozens of memorials and historic sites on Gallipoli and along the Asiatic shore of the Dardanelles.

After our visit to Gallipoli we travelled to Istanbul. As soon as we arrived in Istanbul we headed for the world's largest bazar...

After an hour and a half of site seeing in the bazar, a feast of colour, smoke (tabacco and other) and

View from our Hotel window in the morning.

North Beach
The Sphinx - looking up from North Beach
North Beach
The Wreaths we laid in memory of Aust, NZ and Turkish troups
The Anzac Service
The tour group
North beach the other direction

President of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's 
comments about foreign soldiers 1934
Beach Memorial
Monument at Beach Memorial
Actual Anzac Cove remains of jetty
Beach Graves
Lone Pine Grave site
A Grave
A memorial to the oldest Turkish Gallipoli soldiers
who died at 110
Turkish Memorial and grave site
View of Gallipoli Memorial across Gallipoli peninsular 
Memorial to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
The Blue Mosque
A Street in Istanbul near the Blue Mosque
Entry to the Bazar
More Gold

More of the Bazar

Cafe in the Bazar
The Grand Yavuz Hotel lobby
haggling over inflated prices, we headed for the Grand Yavus Hotel, a warm shower and an early night... midnight...

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