Saturday 6 July 2013

Mt of Olives to the Shrine of the Book

 Today we started with Mount of Olives, from where we had a great view of old Jerusalem. From the Mount of Olives we walked down to the Garden of Gethsemane. A little disappointing in that the garden was very small with a few very old olive trees. (Matt 21.1: 23.3 and Acts 1.12)  Next to the garden was a big Catholic church. The site was a bit disappointing, as it would have been better to have a bigger garden and no church.

From the Garden of Gethsemane we walked towards the Lion Gate, and the Muslim quarter where we entered the Pools of Bethesda.  The pools were dry. But again next to the pools there were remains of the Roman Temple of Asclepius. Next to the pagan Ascelpius was another church, this time French Catholic. The group sang a couple of songs which sounded really good with the hard walls and high domes. Apparently the Muslims did not destroy the church when they took over due to its great acoustics.

Leaving the Pools of Bethesda we headed towards the location of the Antonia Fortress and Temple where Jesus was tried. We stood on the very stones that Jesus may have walked on. The path was well under another great big building.

The Via Dolorosa was just outside the location of the location of the Antonia Fortress. We did witness some pilgrims carrying a cross following the “Stations of the Cross” prescribed for faithful Catholic believers. To get to the Garden of Gethsemane we needed to go through the Muslim quarter and their bazar. Finally we emerged from the Jaffa Gate and headed for the Garden Tomb. (the side of the mountain looked like a scull.) The Garden Tomb had a family burial tomb. In the Garden we also had a communion service. (Matt 28.1-6, John 19.41)

Lunch was at the Panoramic Golden City Rooftop restaurant. The restaurant is in the Muslim quarter. Lunch consisted of a local Kebab.

After lunch we headed towards the Christian quarter where we attended the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This is where it alleged that Jesus was buried. The cue was so long that we did not see the actual spot.

The day ended with a visit to the Archeological where they have a model of Jerusalem around 60 AD and the Shrine of the Book, where the Dead sea scrolls are displayed. (Well at least a complete copy of Isaiah 53.)

Old Olive Tree at the Garden of Gethsemane 
Church at the Garden of Gethsemane
Inside the church
The Lion Gate into Old Jerusalem
Pool of Bethesda entrance
Pool of Bethesda
Pool of Bethesda
Ruins around the pool
Inside the Church next to the Pool of Bethesda
Street in the Old Jerusalem
Markets along the streets
Pavement of the Old City around Jesus' Time
Pilgrims along the Via Delarosa
Jaffa Gate
Entrance to a tomb
Inside the tomb
Street in Muslim Quarter
Crowded street
Entrance into more markets
Lunch on a roof top overlooking the Muslim quarter
View from the roof of restaurant
The church where Jesus was born
Inside look

Actual birthplace
Israel Museum model of the old city under Herod
Model of the 2nd Temple
Dead Sea Scroll Museum

Nail in a Heal Bone
Our Hotel

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