Sunday 7 July 2013

Bethlehem and Holocaust Museum

Early in the morning we crossed the boarder into Palestine territory – Bethlehem.  We left the bus at a bus transit center and walked to the Nativity church, where Jesus was supposes to have been born. The three churches that look after the site are the Greek Orthodox Church, The Arminian Church and Roman Catholic Church. We had to wait quite a while to go down in the church to see the supposed area where the star actually shone on Jesus in the manger. Many Christian devotees kissed the spot or touched it.

After lunch we travelled to the Holocaust Museum. Incredible that such a tragedy could occur in such civilized society as Germany and Europe. Sadly there were many more holocausts in other parts of the world over the past 70 years.

Tonight we arrived rather early back at the Hotel, so a group of us decided to go to the Souk (local markets), incredible, how expert some of the boys are becoming at bartering with the locals. They appear to be able to get various items at a third of the price.
Road in Jerusalem

Church in Bethlehem where Jesus was born

One of the many Mary with Child art works

Actual spot where the star of Bethlehem shone

The Roman Catholic church where midnight mass is televised around the world

Stain glass windows

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Street on the way to the Holocaust Museum

Border crossing into Bethlehem

Entrance to Holocaust Museum - Jerusalem

1.5 million candles of the children lost in the Holocaust

A memorial to  children lost in war

A building built with the them "there is light at the end of the tunnel."
The building holds an extensive collection of photos of the Holocaust.

Art work depiction the Holocaust

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